Y Watch Monitoring Service

y watch monitoring service

Y Watch is our uniquely developed customisable Trade Mark and design monitoring service. The service is a fantastic tool for Trade Mark owners and designers who wish to proactively monitor and stamp out competitive Trade Marks at the earliest opportunity before they become a significant infringement concern or dilute the Trade Mark owners rights.

Every major brand in the world vigilantly monitors the IP activities of their competitors and there is no reason why you should not do the same, regardless of the size of your business or your Trade Mark portfolio. It’s a great way to make your Trade Mark work for your business and obtain value from your registration, rather than letting your rights languish and gather dust.

Y Watch is also an incredible tool for designers to monitor the design filing activities of competitors, especially in the fields of fashion and industrial design. This can help ensure that any new Designs created by you are not likely to inadvertently infringe any existing design.

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About Y Watch

Our Trade Mark monitoring service is a subscription service which permits us to regularly monitor Trade Mark, company, business and phone directory databases to identify potential new brands which may infringe your registered Trade Mark rights. For Designs, we can set up that monitoring service focussing on particular frequent filers or for specific type of products.


Customisable search scope

We will work with you to tailor the scope of the searches we will undertake depending on the types of competitors you are looking to target and the core features of your Trade Mark which are integral to your brand identity.


Annual or month to month subscriptions:

We offer package deals for annual subscriptions or month by month if you prefer. Either can be cancelled at any time.


Simple Reports:

You will receive a monthly report which details what new Trade Marks have been identified, the owner of that Trade Mark, the types of goods or services for which it is used and any recommended actions to halt or prevent further use of those marks from commencing or continuing. For Designs, we will provide you with a breakdown of recently registered Designs according to filer and according to product type depending on the search scope.


Ongoing Client Support

If any further actions are needed, we will discuss those with you and provide you a further fixed fee for implementing those recommendations.

Call Experienced IP Lawyers in Melbourne

Contact Us

To discuss your needs with a qualified intellectual property lawyer, book a meeting today. Our experienced IP lawyer in Melbourne can quickly get to the heart of your issue. We can provide you with the information, guidance and options you need to make an informed decision before you choose to engage us.

03 8371 0012


5 Everage Street, Moonee Ponds
Melbourne, VIC 3039

5 Everage Street, Moonee Ponds
Melbourne, VIC 3039

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YIP Legal  is a Melbourne-based specialist intellectual property law firm specialising in registration, protection and enforcement of Trade Marks, Designs, Copyright, Domain name disputes, Consumer law and IP dispute resolution.
5 Everage Street, Moonee Ponds Melbourne, VIC 3039
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