Sresta Natural Bio Products Private Limited v Bhimaraju

YIP Legal Pty Ltd
YIP Legal Pty Ltd
(Opponent’s Mark)
YIP Legal Pty Ltd
(Applicant’s Mark)

Grounds Pursued by Sresta:


S60 (Likelihood of Confusion based on reputation of the Opponent’s Mark)


S62A (Application was filed in bad faith)

Key Takeaways:

No Reputation Established (section 60)


Whilst Sresta produced evidence of invoices for sale of food products to Australia, there was no evidence produced showing that the food sold displayed the 24MANTRA mark on labels or packaging.


Accordingly, no reputation in the 24MANTRA mark was established and this ground was unsuccessful.

No Bad Faith (section 62A)


No evidence demonstrating any knowledge of the Opponent’s mark by the Applicant was produced.


There were also significant differences between the marks and the only commonality was the word MANTRA.


Therefore, there was no evidence showing the Applicant had acted in an unscrupulous, underhanded or unconscientious manner in selecting this mark, and accordingly this ground also failed.

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